The must-have piece of equipment for your water bore project

Water level meters are fast becoming a must have piece of equipment, for any water bore project in Australia and New Zealand.

Water level meters ensure efficiency when used in measuring the depth to water, in wells, boreholes and anywhere else water level depth measuring is desired.



Our water level meters are hassle-free and easy to use. The reading accuracy of the water level depth measurements is to the millimetre, allowing for faster and more economical turnaround times on projects.

The unit is compact and easily transportable, for multi-site location use. The reels come with a robust carrying handle, and the probe sits securely in a frame mount. Blick water level meters are designed with a hardy, steel-frame - to withstand Australian and New Zealand terrain and harsh climate conditions, with a temperature range of -40°C to +90°C.

Our water level meters are powered via a 9 volt battery. They have a long service life, leaving little time for breakdowns, repairs or replacements. Being easily transportable, you won’t need a generator or electric power supply to run them.


The water level meter comes with three settings: Off, Test and Operation. When the unit is in operation the probe has a gap between the electrodes, and when contact with water is made, the circuit is complete, activating the buzzer and light. Water level depth can then be accurately determined - by taking a reading from the measuring tape at the top of the well-casing or borehole.

Length options

We have 50 metre, 100 metre or 200 metre water level meters in stock, but other lengths are available on request. A tape guide is also available to help prevent any damage or wear & tear to the measuring tape. Blick offers a 1 year manufacturing warranty on all water level meter purchases.

Our robust, easy to use and efficient water level meters will offer ease, accuracy and save time on any water bore project. Specifically designed for the Australian and New Zealand market, our high quality water level meters are a must have piece of equipment for any water bore project.



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Blick and Transco partnership